

In 1919, one year after the First World War, Iran made a decision to renew its scientific relationship with France to promote medical sciences and research on endemic contagious diseases. For this purpose, Iranian delegates, set off for the Peace Conference in Paris, visited Emil Rou, the famous scientist and the General Director of Pasteur Institute in Paris, on October 23th, 1919. This visit laid the foundation of Pasteur Institute of Iran. Three months later, the late Professor Rene Legro, the delegate of Pasteur Institute in Paris, signed an agreement with Iranian Foreign Minister for future scientific cooperation. This led to the establishment of a scientific and research Institute in Iran, named Pasteur Institute of Iran (IPI).

The aims and objectives of Pasteur Institute of Iran are, the expansion of applied research on biological products, expansion of research on basic sciences with underlying aim of introduction and optimization of new techniques and methods for use in applied research with special emphasis on infections.


last update: Oct 12 2024