Department of  Molecular Virology


Department of Molecular Virology is one of the oldest departments of Pasteur Institute of Iran. It was established to provide research on human viral diseases and their detection. The activities started by providing research on poliomyelitis and smallpox accompanied by isolation of viruses from clinical samples, detection of viral antigens and titration of specific antibodies. Routine laboratory diagnosis and scientific research have been in the agenda of this department since 1980 and the results have come out as papers and scientific reports.

Activities in progress
Epidemiological studies of viral disease have been accomplished in the Department of Virology. Recent studies include adenovirus, herpes virus and rota virus. In the meanwhile, study on the biology of the virus oncogenes such as herpes viridae and papilloma will be conducted. Production of viral vectors has been done in this department and experiments in order to produce recombinant polio and mumps are being tested in cancer treatment. Studies on production of herpes recombinant virus have been completed and the operational phase will start soon. Yet, lambada interferon gene cloned and expressed and its effect on HTLV1 virus have been evaluated.

Future activities
The responsibilities of Virology Department include diagnosis of virological diseases, reference laboratory services for the national healthcare system and epidemiologic studies, production of vectors and viral vaccines for the Department of Virology. Adenovirus and lentivirus vectors have been produced in this department. Moreover, studies about papilloma human virus are in progress and research about vaccines against CMV and VZV viruses will be on the agenda. Basic and applied research on the basis of therapeutic effects of immune system in viral diseases and production of immunotherapeutics are among the objectives of the laboratory. Systems for evaluating antiviral drugs are being developed toward this end.


Image Name Degree Position


 Arash Arashkia




 Head of Department- Assistant Professor


Keyhan Azadmanesh








 Farzin Roohvand




 Associate Professor




Zabihollah Shoja




 Assistant Professor



Monireh Kazemimanesh




Assistant Professor



Nasir Mohajel




Assistant Professor